Unfolding Words

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For the Love of Blogs

I fell in love with blogging when I started my first blog, The NON-Superwoman Chronicles, in 2005. Most of the blogs I read were people who also loved blogging for the sake of blogging.

These days, the blog world has changed. The focus now seems to be on status, monetizing and increasing readership numbers. I'm not here for all that. So last week I did some spring cleaning in my feed reader. I deleted the blogs that were review heavy, focused on giveaways or that made me click through to their website.  I realized I only want to read blogs by people who truly want to share what's on their heart and who are not so concerned about analytics and popularity

While I have literally hundreds of blogs in my reader, I thought I'd share a few of my favorites. Most of them may not be well-known, but maybe they'll become one of your favorites too:

Ordinary Moments...Extraordinary Memories: My real life friend (who used to watch the boys since they were wee ones at her former in-home daycare) started this blog little more than a year ago. Such great insight into life. Always a pleasure to read. 

Chasing Kite Tails: This one is a fairly new find. I love her way with words and her sweet simple love for God.

Notes From the Edge of a Breakthrough: This blog is by my Twitter-turned-in real life-friend who I adore. She has such a knack for capturing the everydayness of life and making you see it in a new light.

Kim Cash Tate: One of my favorite on-line pals who happens to write awesome Christian fiction books. Always a good word on her blog.

Chic Little House: I started following Katrina on Instagram and soon after her blog. She's redecorating her house after it was burned down. She shares DIY projects and recipes as well. Love her style!

LaShawn Wiltz: A mom and wife capturing her everyday life in words and pictures.

Don't Disturb This Groove: Yet another blogger who I first started following on Instagram. She's a DIY-er with a great sense of style and shares great recipes as well.

Raggamuffin Soul: One of "those" popular blogs, but read a few entries and you'll find out why. He's witty and always hits close to home.

The MOB Society: For Moms of Boys, By Moms of Boys: As a boy mom, this blog always has helpful & inspiring posts.

Mocha Dad: I love the perspective of a black dad in the blogosphere...and the fact that he's a fellow Howard U. alum is a bonus :)

Salted Grace: Just some really good writing on life here. She also started on blog on her family's transition to an RV life here. Interesting. 

Honorable Mentions: Here are a few blogs I've recently stumbled upon that I'm really enjoying: SayableShe Worships, Lil Blue Boo,  beautifully molded. And some favorites from my group of Twitter friends: Nerd Girl, Serenity 23Adrienne's Little World...this just a small sampling. My blog reader is chock full of wonderful blogs. Let's just consider this post part 1 of a series. To be continued.

I'd love to hear some of your favorite blogs. Do share!