Unfolding Words

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11:36 p.m.

This morning I dropped this little busy blur off at daycare so I could get some work done. I knew I couldn't manage work and constantly telling her to stop jumping on the couch. I'm off for the week because the boys are out of school but I had some loose ends to tie up. Then, I got the chance to mop the floors before picking her up. I managed to get to the grocery store to go Thanksgiving shopping at 6:00 p.m. (just in time for the Ferguson announcement.) I decided not to check for the outcome on Twitter because I was sure I already knew the outcome. I was right. Discovered the grocery store was clean out of turkeys. Sad. But as I was checking out I saw a man with a turkey. Turns out, there were about 8 turkeys that they'd missed and put out just as I was leaving. I snagged a $32 turkey for $11. Came home, avoided the news but can't avoid the ache in my heart that our black boys deserve better.

This is about all I can manage today.