april :: currently
Loving: That all 3 kids will pick up a book without being prompted. Even when I'm making dinner, this little girl will bring a book for me to read to her. It's at those times that I'm grateful she has a big brother.
Feeling: Worn out. Last week I took vacation for the kids' spring break. But a vicious stomach virus hit us. This week my oldest is sick with it. Now I need a real vacation.
Reading: Lost & Found: Finding Hope In the Detours of Life by S*rah J*kes. Feeling some kind of way about this book. On one hand, I applaud her transparency. Then, again it seems like she shares details of her life as a teen mom at 14 and divorced by 24 for drama sake. I'm sure this book can help someone but I'm finding it lacking as far as touching my life with any lessons. I suppose I was looking for more because she's T.D. J*kes daughter. And I'm lightweight mad that I paid $13 for the Kindle version and today it's $9.50.
Thinking about: The Pinterest monthly projects that I have yet to post to this blog. I recently cleaned out and re-organized the linen closet. I smile every time I open it.
Listening to: La La La by Naughty Boy (not by choice) 6 year old watches the video a gazillion times a day on Vevo. The kid even knows how to add videos to his playlist on Apple TV.
Watching: Chrisley Knows Best. Hands down my new favorite show. Happy to hear there's going to be a season 2.