Makes Me Happy Monday (number 6)
Autumn is finally making its appearance here in Southern California. Today, it's expected only to reach a high of 75 degrees...I know East Coasters are shaking their hands at us on the left coast.
A Few Links That Made Me Smile...
In my last Makes Me Happy Monday post, I shared a link to one of my favorite blogs where the writer shared her engagement story. She got married and shared her wedding photos here...just as sweet as the engagement. I'm a sucker for marriages and love.
Two hundred and ninety one is a beautiful and heart wrenching post by Pastor Levi Lusko on the loss of his young daughter.
Seven Things To Pray For Your Kids: I love every single one of these.
"I honestly never thought I’d see the day when Christians would justify swearing. " Why I Don't Use the F-Word by J. Lee Grady. An older article that's worth sharing again.
Iron Man Helps the Homeless Smile. My husband thought this was corny but it tugged at my girlie heart strings.
Business Matters...
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