“The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.”
I'm so glad you're here!
Two things I'm passionate about: God's Word and writing words. I love how the more you open the Bible, the more light you get. When you open that Bible, the light spills over into everyday life illuminating our paths. And I love unfolding the words that have been placed in my heart, thus the name of this blog: Unfolding Words. Studying God's Word, writing about it and teaching it are among life's greatest pleasures for me.
I started blogging in 2004 and for more than seven years, I blogged about life, marriage, kids, my walk with God and just about everything else under the sun at The NON-Superwoman Chronicles (now defunct). A journalist by trade, I'm a former editor of a ministry magazine, who is now a homeschooling mama of three by day and a graduate student at Talbot School of Theology by night. California born and bred, nothing makes me more happy than sunshine and a good book (or the Good Book.) I am also quite fond of a good cup of coffee, planners, stationery, and family time.
I post Bible study tips, things I love and encouragement on my Facebook page. I'd love for you to join me over there. Click to Like the page and stay in touch. If you love chatting in 280 characters, join me on Twitter.
Thanks for sticking around. Hope you find something that suits your fancy.
About Unfolding Words: The Podcast
Nothing brings me greater joy than sharing the light of God's Word for everyday life. My goal is to encourage you to get the understanding that can only come from opening up God's Word for yourself. If you'd like some extra help unfolding the Bible, you can listen to my podcast.
The Unfolding Words podcast aims to share biblical truth to offer light for your walk and life for your soul.
Bite-sized Bible study in under 30 minutes.
Theology and practical application.
Listen as you do housework, work out or during your commute.
You can listen here on the website, on your favorite app on your phone or tablet or on a smart home device like the Amazon Echo or Google Home.