3 Old School Things We All Need To Get Back To
When it's time to get in the Word, I still choose the Bible that I've had for 20 years. It's tattered, falling apart, written in and dog-eared.
I keep going back to it, despite having newer Bibles because it just works for me. I remember where scriptures are by where they are located on the page and opening it just feels like coming home and getting back to basics.
Lately, my heart has been longing for the basics. The days of yea and nay.
I've always been a sucker for sweet, simpler times.
I'm a lover of Leave It to Beaver, family dinners, wearing aprons while cooking, old school prayer meetings and altar calls where lives are instantly transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
I grew up the old school way. We didn't do Daniel Fasts like today. Instead, we had three days fasts that included no food--just water, lots of prayer meetings and an evident move of God's Spirit.
We fed on the Bible, not slick sound bites from popular pastors.
I was taught that holiness touched every part of my life: my speech, relationships and decisions. There was no cussing or text messages sent filled with slang acronyms like C.TFU, L.MAO that many Christians use today without a second thought.
We are urged to ask for the old paths. Sounds absurd doesn't it? We've got technology and innovation and ease of life. Why ask for old paths?
It's in those old paths where we find the good way AND rest for our souls.
I'm longing for the old paths so I'm committing myself to clinging closer to:
1. Absolute belief in the scriptures, not what seems or sounds right. Our hearts can lead us astray, but God's Word never does. All scripture is God-breathed, without error and necessary.
2. A hunger for holiness. In today's world. being a Christian is not synonymous with holiness. But we are called to be holy in ALL we do.
This means what we listen to on the radio, watch on TV, read, how we dress and think...even how we conduct ourselves when no one is around should be marked by holiness. Sounds like a tall order but we wouldn't be called to it if it weren't possible. Be ye holy, for I am holy says God
3. Teaching and fellowship around the Word of God. Church does not equal salvation but it's a hallmark of the old path because it's crucial to our walk. We need fellowship, teaching and encouragement. "Some people have gotten out of the habit of of meeting for worship, but we must not do that. We should keep on encouraging each other, especially since you know that the day of the Lord's coming is getting closer."
I want the good way. So I'm sticking with the basics.