The Spread of Sin's Crimson Stain (Genesis 4 Recap)

The  Spread of Sin's Crimson Stain (Genesis 4 Recap)

Genesis 4 opens with Adam and Eve fulfilling God’s command to be fruitful and multiply.

  • Eve may think that Cain is the promised Messiah that will bruise the serpent’s head. She soon finds out that her messiah child picked up the sin trait.
  • Cain and Abel begin the pattern of 2 sons - one chosen by the world, the other chosen by God. Bottom line - God is sovereign and He alone will determine how the Messiah will come about.
  • There are two camps of thought when it comes to the Abel preference.
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On Learning the Good Art of Resting in Toil

On Learning the Good Art of Resting in Toil

I'm equal parts Mary and Martha.  

I sit at Jesus' feet. But while there I am anxious and troubled about many things.

Most of us know the story of Martha and Mary well.  Martha is exasperated as she works to be a gracious hostess to Jesus who has come to visit her home. Meanwhile, Mary sits at His feet listening to Him teach. 

I often exasperate myself with my constant striving for what has already been freely given. I cannot work for the peace that comes from abiding in God's presence.

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Delight, Death and the Downward Spiral (Genesis 3 Study Recap)

Delight, Death and the Downward Spiral (Genesis 3 Study Recap)

In Genesis 3, we see that God is personal AND redemptive in nature versus man who is sinful by nature. (This marks the continued contrast of light & dark established in the creation story.)

We know what goes down in Genesis 3, but let’s first take a look at where Adam & Eve fell from.

Garden of Eden is a type of the first tabernacle/temple: God’s dwelling place on earth. It was known as the Garden of Delights. This was a place of provision and Divine presence: a dwelling place where humanity is in the presence of God continually. Let’s look at the parallels

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God Ain't Stingy (Genesis 2 Study Recap)

Taking a slow walk through the book of Genesis with a group of women has proven to be such a blessing. I so look forward Monday nights when we meet up. Here are some recap notes from Genesis chapter 2. 

Genesis 2 opens with God finishing up His work.

The author stresses the fact that this is God’s work as seen in verse 2 with six references to God.

God BLESSED and SET APART the seventh day. Why?

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Creation: A Divine Act of Love (Genesis 1 Study Recap)

Tomorrow starts week 3 of the Genesis Bible Study. I thought I'd share some recap notes from each week. Here's the week 1 video.

Genesis is a foundational book full of firsts: marriage, birth, matter, energy, society, morality, sacrifice, murder, polygamy, death, lie, rainfall, boat, city made, covenant among others.

This book reveals God’s nature and is the start of His autobiography.

Genesis is important because it corrected the Israelites thinking away from the culture’s thinking.

This is important because they were coming out from under Egypt’s polytheistic influence after 200-400 years  and about to enter the Promised Land full of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Jebusites etc. They needed to know: who you are and Whose you are.

Genesis 1:1 alone refutes 9 arguments:

Atheism: there is no God

Pantheism: all is God

Polytheism: many gods

Materialism: Matter is eternal

Dualism: good and evil are equal

Humanism: Man is the measure of all things

Naturalism: all things form from matter

Evolution: Man evolved from lower life forms

Deism: God is not involved in creation though he created it. Natural laws rule.

This book reveals God’s nature and is the start of His autobiography. We learn 3 things about God:

1. He’s a God of order

He made order out of chaos. He formed and then filled. He put sign in the sky for natural, agricultural cycles and festivals. God determines order and function, thus the use of this is very good.     

Genesis 1:1 has seven words in the Hebrew. (7 is used 735 times total in the bible) The number seven is a number of completeness, divine perfection or something that is finished or perfect order. Even the retelling of creation has order:

God and the pronoun used 35 times in Genesis 1. God said is used 7 times in Genesis 1.

2. God’s love is evident in HIs careful and deliberate act of creation.

He took seven days to establish a pattern for us and show His carefulness & attention to detail in creation. His Spirit hovered is a picture of a bird over the nest. We see gentleness, provision, great care in handling His creation. 

Like an eagle that stirs up its nest, that flutters over its young, spreading out its wings, catching them, bearing them on its pinions, Deut. 32:11 (ESV)

3. God is sovereign and He rules by serving

He created this world for US. God rules to show us how to rule because we are image bearers. Created in God’s image gives us a God awareness unlike any other creation. We have the characteristics of God which no other creature has.     

Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. 11 Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all. 12 Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts,kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, 13 bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. 14 And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.  Colossians 3:9-14

Creation is a picture of our salvation.

God takes our chaotic voidness (our existence in sin) and makes it very good = fit for the purpose for which it was made.

I Timothy 1: 8-10 8 Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, 9 who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began, 10 and which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel,

Announcing - the Genesis Bible Study on Periscope

Announcing - the Genesis Bible Study on Periscope

I've spent the last few months in the first part of the book of Genesis. The result of so much time in this foundational book has overflowed into a Bible Study along with a study guide that I've written.

The whole idea of the study is simply to gain an understanding of what the Word of God says. We can't apply the Bible to our lives until we have a thorough knowledge and understanding of it. 

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Of Alien Nations and the Kindness of God

Of Alien Nations and the Kindness of God

And you, who were once alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, even now hath He reconciled. -Colossians 1:21

I know this truth well: that I once was alienated from God but am now reconciled.

How then do I find myself throwing alien-like prayers up to God?  I pray as if He barely knows me. I approach His throne as if I'm a stranger when I am a member of His divine household.

When did I start to think myself a foreigner? I turn this question over and over again. And then the lyrics of Amanda Cook's song "Kind" fill up the room and my heart.

You are not a tyrant king....

You are not an angry man...

You do not treat us with contempt...

You are kind.

Unanswered prayer made me believe the lie that God is a tyrant. Suffering made me believe that I was an outsider--an alien among my own Father.

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When You Wish You Could Swap Seasons

When You Wish You Could Swap Seasons

This morning I woke up exhausted. I wanted nothing more to turn over and catch some more zzzz's. Then I remembered that it's a weekday and I have to coax three kids out of bed and corral them off to school and myself to work.

It was then that I started longing for my single days. I could stay up late and sleep in with just enough time to get ready and grab breakfast. Responsibilities were short and the fun list was long. Longing for a past season doesn't happen often, but when it does it hits strong.

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A Quiet Place to War

About a week ago, we were all set to see War Room, except plans fell through with the person who was to watch the kids. So I ended up going the next day and catching a weekday matinee with the boys since they were out of school. 

The story revolves around a woman who discovers the power of prayer in her prayer closet i.e. war room. And let's just say that I walked out of that theater with a continued vigor to focus on prayer. Funny thing is, God had already handed down a challenge to pray. 

I'm part of #PeriSistersinChrist, a Periscope group of Christian women scopers. During the month of August, we'd entered into a 30-day prayer challenge for our husbands and marriages. So this movie was pretty much a confirmation for what had already been going on in my life. 

After leaving, I really wished I'd had a war room of my own. But with 3 kids and 3 bedrooms all being used, there is no extra space. That is until my boys suggested the entryway closet. I dismissed the idea because the closet is small and frankly, the idea of cleaning out all the clutter that was in there didn't sound appealing. But when I got home, I opened the door to that closet and realized it just might be the right space.

So as I got to work on clearing the closet out, the opposition started: the kids started fighting, the three-year-old had a potty accident (which never happens) and then I got a sinus headache of epic proportions after cleaning out all of the dusty junk in there. My frustration level was rising and I almost dumped everything back in the closet until I realized that the opposition was more than just sibling bickering and a potty accident. 

I've managed to get that closet cleared out but haven't had time to fix it up. So for now I have a few throw pillows on the floor until I can get some time to get it spruced up.

A dedicated  place to pray: talk about a priority shift. We have a dedicated place to be entertained with TV, a dedicated place to stuff our faces in the house but no dedicated place for prayer. Talk about a heart check. And while prayer will take place whenever and wherever, I like the fact that there is a set aside place to meet with God.

What about you? Have you seen the War Room? What were your takeaways?