Tuning Out To Tune In...
/"Through pride we are ever deceiving ourselves. But deep down below the surface of the average conscience a still, small voice says to us, something is out of tune."
- Carl Jung
Most mothers can attest to the fact that we are born with a sixth sense: the ability to distinguish our child's cry among a room of screaming children.
I can be in the den which is clear on the other side of the house and still hear one of the kid's whimper in their bedroom. I can wake out of the deepest sleep when I hear one of them moaning or crying. It's just how I'm built as a mother.
It never surprises the kids when I'm there as soon as they cry. They expect it. And even when they don't expect it they take comfort in knowing that even their quietest moan was heard and acknowledged.
The same with God. I shouldn't be surprised that He hears my cries for help. His ear is made for such things.
What I've discovered is that my ear for hearing God is not always so developed. I must train my ear to hear the voice of God.
Lately my "ears" have been full of Twitter, Instagram, Vine, blogs and podcasts. With all that noise it's easy for the voice of The Lord to get drowned out. Can't keep asking God to speak when I'm not listening...or when I keep burying His voice beneath a pile of others.
So I'm taking a bit of a social media fast.
Maybe for you it's not social media but the voices of others. We can be quick to look to people for guidance or just their opinion on a matter when the only thing that matters is what comes from God.
Or maybe you need to close a few books. Reading is good and beneficial but can easily become a replacement for seeking a word from The Lord.
It's so easy for our spiritual ear to get out of tune when the world sings/talks/blasts such a loud (and catchy) tune.
So I'm turning down the volume on this world so I can hear that sweet voice of God:
"And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left."(Isaiah 30:21 NKJV)