currently: June 2016

currently: June 2016

Marveling: at how much this little girl loves words and books. My mother tells me I was the same way at her age.

Listening: to lots of KB thanks to the boys. I like that they can listen to music without a good beat without me having to worry about the lyrics. There's lots of Laurie Berkner and Elizabeth Mitchell thanks to the little threenager. I love the kids eclectic taste in music.

Watching: Teenage Newlyweds on fyi,. My sister got me hooked on it. I'm also 

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Declarations of Independence: Learning to Loosen the Grasp in Parenting

Declarations of Independence: Learning to Loosen the Grasp in Parenting

I'm a recovering helicopter parent.

I'll admit, I once was that mother who wanted to fix everything, make sure my kid was never hurt and manage all affairs. But once your kids grow up (or you have more than one kid), you realize that tactic just ain't gonna cut it.

I felt like I've spent most of my mothering years pushing independence and carefully watching every step. As my oldest son is moving into the teen years, the more I have to let the reigns go. The more I let go, I see that he's actually able to handle himself in the world without my constant navigation. Liberating for him. Scary for me.

Recently, my son auditioned for the lead role in the school musical. Instead of being excited, I was scared out of my wits for him because lead roles normally got to upperclassmen, not middle schoolers. So I prepared him by telling him not to be disappointed when he didn't land the role and to expect that students who are older and graduating will be chosen to star. He didn't let my warnings sway him.

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When You Don't Recognize the Gift You've Been Given

When You Don't Recognize the Gift You've Been Given

I was in the fourth grade, when the comparison trap tripped me up. Two of my classmates would go upstairs to the fifth grade classroom for math because their skills exceeded the level the class was on. It seemed like they were soaring, while I was left struggling downstairs. Math was never my strong suit, so seeing them elevated left me with a twinge of jealousy. 

In the sixth grade, I remember being told that a select group of students from our class would be going on a field trip to sing Christmas carols at a senior citizen home. Our teacher, Sister Mary Louise (a nun at our K-8 Catholic school) walked the aisles listening to each of us sing. After the song, she chose a handful of students to go on the field trip, which didn't include me. I knew singing wasn't my strength, but I didn't think it was bad enough to exclude me from going. Math challenged and unable to carry a note, I wondered what set me apart.

All I wanted as a kid was stellar math skills and a strong singing voice. What I failed to see... 

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currently: april 2016

currently: april 2016

Missing: Spring Break. Instead of traveling, we staycationed and acted like tourists in SoCal. Took the kids to Hollywood (where we chanced upon a star with my father's name), got a glimpse of the Hollywood sign and other hot spots. The kids had a ball!

Reading: Yet another book by Elisabeth Elliot: God's Guidance: A Slow and Steady Light (renamed God's Guidance: Finding His Will For Your Life). And 

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The Fine Art of Growing Old(er) Gracefully

The Fine Art of Growing Old(er) Gracefully

It's bewildering to be barreling toward middle age when you don't feel like a middle-ager. This summer, my birthday will put  me smack dab in the center of middle age...that is if I live to be 90. It's sobering to realize that I probably have more years of living under my belt than are ahead of me.

I look in the mirror and see how the aging process has sped up. Just a few short years ago, people would mistake me for being in my 20's. No one in their right mind would make that mistake now. I used to get called Miss, now it's exclusively ma'am.

Growing old is a blessing, but it sure doesn't feel like it when 

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Everyday Life...One Second at a Time

Life moves too fast, especially when you have kids. I've been capturing photos of them but wanted to capture more video. A little over a month ago, I discovered the One Second Everyday app that lets you capture one second of video everyday and then mash it up into one video. Perfect for this busy momma.

Wish I would have discovered this in January, but here goes.

Because I Don't Want to Forget...

...her little lisp

....and cute grin

....and how nurturing (and very bossy she is).

...his obsession with light sabers and dancing he says he's going to be a prophet for God

....and how he's simultaneously driving me mad and more in love with him every day. he's slipping further away from boyhood and into the teenage years. responsible and self-driven he is

...and how he can talk a  mile a minute.

Tis' true: In parenting, the days are long but the years are short.


3 Blessings of Keeping a Prayer Notebook

3 Blessings of Keeping a Prayer Notebook

I am currently praying through the Psalms (a psalm a day.)  I love the psalms as a template for prayer because it shows how we can bring every little to God in prayer: every situation, every emotion and every care. 

King David, who penned some of the most-loved psalms, was a great example of how you don't have to be afraid to share what's on your heart (even the ugly stuff); or afraid to lay bare sins and shortcomings. I'm especially encouraged by all of the psalm writers confidence in God to come through and answer and how they always waited on God alone.

The written prayers in the Bible are here to encourage and equip us.

About 8 years ago, I started keeping a prayer notebook (more out of desperation than anything else)...

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